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"Вечный свет - Возрождение подлинной роскоши - улучшение Ультра-Люкс" / Lux Aeterna - The True Revival of Luxury - An Ultra-Luxe Overhaul 1.00

   (1 отзыв)

7 изображений


"Лорное улучшение Ультра-Люкс превращает это место в то, чем оно и должно быть. Теперь интерьеры уникального казино выдержаны в лучших традициях эстетизма. Изменениям подверглись множество ассетов, персонажей, источников освещения и текстур. Все это позволяет прочувствовать дух возрождения подлинной роскоши"

Отныне в Ультра-Люкс царит совершенно новая атмосфера. Красиво жить не запретишь. Изменению подверглись только интерьеры, их текстуры, добавлено несколько объектов, подчеркивающих эстетизм. Конфликтовать ни с чем не должно.

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Что нового в версии 1.00   Просмотр изменений


Обновление до 1.00 (ShadowSharkAlive):


Version 1.00
- Removed the YUP requirement and carried over the fixes within the mod itself.
- AI Upscaled the paintings to 4k.
- New normals maps for the Magnum.
Version 0.985
- The females now wear long gloves like the woman in the billboard. Credits to AusAllerWelt for making them work in game.
- New marble square columns. Fixed them now (were broken in V0.98)
- All textures now have mip-maps. Some bug-fixes and tweaks.
- Proper normal maps for the white gloves. No longer using the place holder latex glove normal map.
Version 0.99
- New glow maps and meshes for the large flower centre piece. Also fixed the messed up french wall textures on the bar top.
- Some more bugfixes, mostly textures.
Version 0.98
- All textures now have mip-maps.
- New marble square columns.
- Some bug-fixes and tweaks.
Version 0.97
- Minor bugfixes.
- The protectron wig should also show up now.
Version 0.96
- Changed Mortimer's outfit into a victorian coat with a scarf. Credit to Dicgas.
- Added a new boss npc for 'Beyond the Beef' when you find the dead investigator. He's a unique npc called Jack who uses a ripper (I'm sure you got the reference). He wears a unique bloodstained hood with glowing goggles. He's a tough one and was meant to add a challenge as the vanilla pushovers with canes didn't help. Let me know if he's too OP.
Version 0.95
- Improved the exterior area by adding carpets to the mesh. Also improved the pillar thing. It really bugged me as it looked awful.
- Lighting changes (again)
- Improved the UL poster. Now no longer a stock photo of a mask.
- Improved the fountain mesh.
- Made the two ceiling murals be the same one to add symmetry. The other mural will be used elsewhere.
- Improved the curtains. went for a simpler design. Sometimes, simpler is better.


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  • Спасибо! 3

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