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Сообщения, опубликованные Laisum

  1. Другой пример, супермутант-повелитель и yk40. Супермутант-бестия (вроде те кто в летном шлеме) стреляют из них без проблем, а вот повелитель тупит.

    Через resurrect поднял его, у него уже трехлучевая - стреляет из нее будь здоров



  2. Кстати какая версия NV установлена?
    Ибо беседка правила это, (хотя мы знаем как она правит)


    Patches are coming. Pete Hines, marketing man at Fallout studio Bethesda Softworks, tells Kotaku that "We are currently working on releasing patches/updates as quickly as possible for Fallout: New Vegas, for all platforms. Announcements regarding the patches are forthcoming." He advises anyone seeing this head-turning bug to re-verify their files on Steam, as the issue is due to a "corrupt mesh file." Also notable: The head-turning bug here was highlighted two days ago in a blog post by one of the game's producers, who identified it as a known bug that was "eradicated" prior to the game's official release.

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