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- The Community: The players and fellow modders at the Nexus sites have been a continuous source of encouragement and support through the months of development.
- You: Yes, you, the player who downloads and evaluates this mod. I depend on you to excoriate any failings and praise the successes.
- Level Design: BlooperReel (Sun-Gap Den and Bedlamite's Refuge)
The voice actors and actress, who took their time to voice characters, sometimes prompted to voice, re-voice, and then voice again under the direction of my arbitrary, directorial impulses. This mod would be a shadow of its current self without the voice actors and actress, so thank you all.
Dramatis Personae:
- Russell: Someguy2000
- Hendershot: Someguy2000
- Mayor Brandon: Ben Britton (The_Yellow_Dart)
- Finley: Mishaxhi
- Dobbs: Immodium
- Glanton: Vulon (Jeremy King)
- Handley: Immodium
- Hobo Charlie: DonutsStrongJaw
- Joe Briggs: Someguy2000
- Miss Kat: Marie 231
- O'Doyle: Someguy2000
- Sheriff Richardson: SarinGlave
- Sullivan: Someguy2000
- Parmley: Pepsi7
- Talking Knife: Kasia S.
- Titus Vulcanus: UnshavenOne
- Vickers: RiliththeRogue
- bladerunner317
- ncrvet
- josh2719
- BlooperReel
- CrimsonFist501
- stormbringer13
- Steinwand
- jojy123
- Immodium
- Unoctium
- Desert Ranger Combat Armor: Dragbody
- Facial Scar: TheFourthHorse
- Letter Meshes: Quetzlsacatanango
- Chief's War Club: TallCastle
- "AI Confusion" fix: jazzisparis
- Skin tone fix: BlooperReel
- Generic Greetings Fix: BlooperReel
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Что нового в версии 1.17 + TitusFix Просмотр изменений
- Исправлено взаимодействие с Титом для женских персонажей. (обновленный плагин загружен отдельно) [blueraga]
- Мелкие правки перевода.
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