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"Альтернативный ремонт" / Alternative Repairing 2.7.12 U1

   (5 отзывов)

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Данный мод добавляет в игру создаваемые запчасти для вашего оружия и одежды, а также позволяет ремонтироть некоторые с помощью обычного хлама. 
От типа оружия и брони зависят сложность рецептов, также почти все они требуют наличие в инвентаре ножа, молотка или гаечного ключа. 
Сварочные пистолеты, встречаемые в игре, отныне действуют как рабочее место, с их помощью можно переплавить металлическую утварь в бронепластины, используемые для ремонта металлической и силовой брони. Каждый из них потребляет огнемётное топливо. 
Разное оружие можно отремонтировать разным хламом: 
 - Низкоуровневое оружие с деревянными частями можно заклеить. 
 - Оружие с лезвиями ремонтируется точильными камнями. 
 - Одежда из ткани чинится заплатками. 
 - Кожаная броня ремонтируется кожаными заплатками. 
 Также, точильные камни теперь можно создать из пресс-папье с помощью воды. 
Как это работает?
 Также, как и ремонт любых предметов - кликаете на предмет, открываете меню клавишей "R" и чините. 
 Некоторый хлам можно разбирать, что позволит быстро набрать нужных деталей. Список получаемых деталей указан в прилагаемой ниже иллюстрации. 
- Детали так же можно добыть из мотоциклов. Для этого вам понадобится навык ремонта 45 и гаечный ключ. Последний может сломаться в процессе разбора, шанс этого понижается при повышении навыка. Мотоциклы можно разбирать раз в 3 дня. 
- Аналогичным образом можно разбирать целые автомобили, однако навык ремонт должен быть как минимум 65.
 На данный момент доступно два испытания, даваемые за 15 разобранных мотоциклов и автомобилей соответственно. 
 На данный момент с помощью MCM можно увеличить скорость износа, уменьшить эффективность ремонта, включить режим отладки, а также ряд других опций.
(Опционально) Mod Configuration Menu
Мод не должен создать проблем с багфиксами или глобальными модами, если они также не меняют механику ремонта. В противном случае, детали к тем или иным предметам работать больше не будут. 
Список модов, работающих без патчей:

Project Nevada (Внимание: опциональная система ремонта из "Проекта Невада" НЕ совместима.)

Millenia’s weapons

kouoaeha's weapons

D3IMUDD4's weapons

Weapon Mods Expanded

Fallout 3 Weapon Restoration

After War Nevada

Прилагаются патчи совместимости с модами:



Также отдельным архивом включен патч для SFW (версия 2.1).


1. Из папки Core Files копируйте файлы в Data. 
1.1 Если у вас нет TTW, не копируйте Alternative Repairing - Tale of Two Wastelands.esp.
2. При активации первым поставьте "Alternative Repairing.esp", пачти можно ставить в любом порядке. 
Slippy - за создание сего мода.
Kholchev - за исходный перевод мода, описание и качественный перевод изображений.

    Чтобы скачать файл, создайте аккаунт или авторизуйтесь.

Что нового в версии 2.7.12   Просмотр изменений


Очень много изменений относительно прошлой версии 2.3.

*Скрипты не переведены, т.к. автор удалил исходники, а восстанавливать их - то еще веселье.


  • Version 2.7.12

    • - Fixed leaf blowers incorrectly having 0 weight and value with bJunkItemRebalance enabled.
      - Individual junk item rebalance changes can now be disabled by setting them to -1 in the INI.
      - Added Fairbairn-Sykes and KA-BAR from Weapons of the New Millenia and MTindle pack to the bladed weapons list.
  • Version 2.7.11

    • - Added a dedicated hotkey within the Pip-Boy for using dismantle kits on your current weapon or armor.
      - Fixed an issue where 20Ga shotguns weren't receiving shotgun repair parts.
      - Weapon Repair Kit minimum condition setting is now correctly limited below the max setting, and the max cannot go below the minimum.
  • Version 2.7.10

    • - Fixed an issue where various energy rifles weren't receiving energy rifle parts as intended.
  • Version 2.7.9

    • Fixed the portable welding gun mesh not being installed correctly.
  • Version 2.7.8

    • - Fixed an issue with pistols only dismantling into broken parts or nothing at all.
      - Weapon and Armor dismantle kits should no longer occasionally dismantle duplicate items, instead of the equipped item.
      - Added Assassin Suit to the list of Repair List Fixes, which shared a repair list with Combat Armor.
      - Added Armored Vault 13 Jumpsuit to the list of Repair List Fixes, which shared a repair list with Combat Armor.
      - Added Slave Backpack to the list of Repair List Fixes, which shared a repair list with Combat Armor.
      - Added Lightweight Metal Armor to the list of Repair List Fixes, which shared a repair list with Metal Armor.
  • Version 2.7.7

    • - Added 'fDismantleCondPartial' and 'fDismantleCondFull' INI settings for configuring the condition thresholds when dismantling items.
  • Version 2.7.6

    • - Added Vault 34 Security Armor to the list of Repair List Fixes, which shared a repair list with Combat Armor.
  • Version 2.7.5

    • Fixes:
      - Weapon and Armor degredation settings will now correctly default to 0.2 and 0.35% respectively. (only affects new games)
      - Fixed Weapon Repair Kit modes functioning opposite of the MCM setting.

      - The Uzi and PPSh-41 from 'Weapons of The New Millenia And MTindle COMPLETE Pack' have now been added to the SMGs list.
  • Version 2.7.4

    • Fixes:
      - Fixed generic Revolver repair list using Scrap Rifle parts.
      - Fixed generic Shotgun repair list using Scrap Rifle parts.
      - Fixed generic Heavy Armor repair list using Scrap Energy Heavy Weapon parts.
      - Added Scrap Heavy Weapon parts to generic Heavy Weapons repair list.
      - Added Box of Detergent to generic clothing repair list.
  • Version 2.7.3

    • New:
      - Added a new config file so you can add support for custom SMGs without them having "SMG" or "Submachine" in their name. The new config file is found at '/data/Alternative Repairing/SMGs.txt"
      - Automated SMG support is now limited to weapons that use the Guns skill, as modded energy SMGs exist.
      - Added H&H Tools Nail Gun to the SMG list.

      - Added built-in support for Millenia's KA-BAR, Uzi, Mac-10, and PPSh-41.
  • Version 2.7.2

    • Fixed an issue where the FOMOD wasn't correctly detecting if JIP NVSE was installed correctly.
  • Version 2.7.1

    • New:
      - Added "bRepairListFixes" INI setting (enabled by default). Separates certain shared repair lists to avoid crossover, such as NCR Salvaged Power Armor causing T-45d Armor to be repairable with Heavy Armor parts. Individual fixes can be toggled in [Repair List Fixes] section of the INI.
      - Added new icon for Armor Plating.
      - Remastered icon for Medium Armor Parts.
      - Remastered icon for Heavy Armor Parts.
      - Remastered icon for Light Armor Parts.

      - Part distribution script will now check if a part is already in a weapon/armor's repair list before adding it, for items that share repair lists.
      - Minor optimization of part distribution script.
      - 'bDebugMode' INI setting is now correctly disabled by default.
      - Corrected misleading comment info for 'fRepairKitWeight' INI setting.
      - Fixed duplicate textures and meshes included in FOMOD archive.

      - Increased size of Soldering Iron icon.
  • Version 2.7

    • New:
      - JIP NVSE Plugin is now required.
      - Any items with missing repair lists that fall under an appropriate category will be given a generic repair list to ensure they can be repaired with parts.
      - Repair lists are now updated when the game is launched, rather than constantly scanning the player inventory.
      - Added 'Alternative Repairing.ini', which can be found under 'data/config/'.
      - Added 'bJunkItemRebalance' INI setting, which allows you to disable the weight and value rebalance of now-useful junk items. All weight and value changes are configurable if enabled.
      - You can now blacklist items from being detected by adding them to 'data/Alternative Repairing/Blacklist.txt'.
      - You can now add weapons to the Wooden, Bladed, and Gauntlet formlists using the appropriate config files in 'data/Alternative Repairing/' instead of having to create compatibility patches.
      - Added a "minimum" option for repair kits. You can now set when a weapon is considered too damaged to repair via kits. (Default off)
      - Added craftable Weapon/Armor Dismantle Kits. Allows you to disassemble your equipment and receive parts. Depending on the condition of the item, you will receive repair parts or some of the components used to make them. Can be used up to 3 times.
      - Automatic Guns with "SMG" or "Submachine" in their names are now categorized as submachine guns.
      - Added Sharpening Kits, which replace Whet Stones as the repair item for bladed melee weapons. Crafted at workbenches using a Whet Stone and Leather Belt, with 30 Repair.
      - Melee weapons with "Blade", "Knife", "Sharp", "Dagger", "Sword", "Axe", "Hatchet", "Machete", "Spear", "Razor", or "Cleaver" in their names are now categorized as bladed weapons and are repairable with Sharpening Kits.
      - Melee weapons with "Board" or "Bat" in their name are categorized as wooden and are repairable with Wonderglue.
      - Unarmed weapons with "Gauntlet" in the name are now considered gauntlet weapons, and can be repaired with Medical Braces and Leather Belts.
      - Any light armor that weighs less than 10 lbs is now considered Clothing, and is repairable with Cloth and Detergent.

      - Repair Tools feature will now work with gamepads.
      - Repair Tools, when enabled, are required for armor repairs as well.
      - Vendors will now correctly have a chance of stocking Soldering Irons.
      - Weapon Repair Kits now use the repair weapon sound effect upon successful repairs.
      - Fixed Cloth recipe (Merc Grunt) not requiring scissors and incorrectly consuming them.
      - Fixed Cloth recipe (Merc Troublemaker) not requiring scissors and incorrectly consuming them.

      - Removed NPC clothing repair workaround as Stewie's Tweaks has a far better implementation.
      - Moved debug mode MCM option to the "bDebugMode" INI setting.
      - Moved Sorted Part Names MCM option to the "bSortedParts" INI setting.
      - Repair list debugging messages are now outputted to "Alternative Repairing.log" in your base game directory.
      - Weapon degradation option is now a slider.
      - Armor degradation option is now a slider.
      - Significantly reduced chance of repair parts appearing in vendor inventories to bring focus back on crafting.
      - Increased value of most repair parts.
      - Increased value of Welding Guns and Soldering Irons.
      - Weapon Repair Kits now specify how many uses it has left in its effects, if multi-use mode is enabled.
      - Power Armor Parts now require 3 armor plates to craft.
      - Whet Stone repair crafting requirement from 30 to 10.
      - Grenade Machinegun and Mercy now use Grenade Launcher parts.
      - Camera breakdown recipe now requires 2 Cameras. Repair requirement from 10 to 15.
      - Iron breakdown recipe repair requirement from 15 to 20.
      - Paint Gun breakdown recipe repair requirement from 20 to 30
      - Hot Plate breakdown recipe repair requirement from 25 to 35.
      - Pressure Cooker breakdown recipe now yields 1 scrap metal instead of 2.
      - Vacuum Cleaner breakdown recipe now yields scrap electronics.
      - Hammer: Value from 10 to 15.
      - Wrench: Value from 9 to 10.
      - Iron: Weight from 5 to 2. Value from 2 to 10.
      - PaperWeight: Weight from 1 to 2. Value from 1 to 5.
      - Whet Stone: Weight from 1 to 2. Value from 15 to 10.
      - Hot Plate: Value from 5 to 10.
      - Leaf Blower: Weight from 10 to 15. Value from 25 to 50.
      - Wood Chipper: Weight from 18 to 20.
  • Version 2.6.2

    • Fixed certain Cloth recipes incorrectly consuming scissors.
  • Version 2.6.1

    • Fixes:
      - Cleaned dirty edits from Tale of Two Wastelands compatibility patch.
  • Version 2.6

    • Fixes:
      - Improved the way 'dummy' recipes are displayed in order to reduce confusion.
      - Fixed crash related to Cloth recipe.
      - Heavy/Medium Armor Part recipes now use "Armor Plating", which is crafted using pots and pans to fix issues related to long item names.
      - Clothing can no longer be shred into Cloth if you have it equipped to fix an enchantment exploit.
      - Repair Tools now correctly affect armor repair.
      - Fixed issues with various MCM options.
      - Fixed incorrect MCM mouseover descriptions.
      - Weapon Repair Kits now correctly factor in condition-boosting weapon mods.
    • New:
      - Added new tool: Soldering Iron. These can be crafted at workbenches using a paint gun, fission battery, duct tape, and scrap metal. Can also be purchased from vendors.
      - Added 'Weapon Repair Kit Limit' option. You can now set the point that Weapon Repair Kits will not repair beyond (defaults to 100%)
      - Repair Tools have been separated into its own option independent of your Weapon Repair Kit mode.
      - Repair NPCs will now repair apparel that lacks DT and DR.
    • Changes:
      - Energy Weapon repair part recipes use a Soldering Iron instead of a wrench as the required tool.
      - Repair Tools are now crafted in batches of 4 and are consumed on every repair, rather than by random chance.
      - Breakdown Paint Gun recipe now requires 20 Repair.
      - Breakdown Hotplate recipe now requires 25 Repair.
      - Breakdown recipe for Pre-War toaster now indicates that it's specifically for the pre-war variant, and is now hidden unless you are carrying one.
    • Compatibility:
      - Added patch for Tale of Two Wastelands. Haley, Karl, Knick Knack, Lydia Montenegro, Michael Masters, Moira, Seagrave Holmes, and Grandma Sparkle now stock parts and tools.
  • Version 2.5.1

    • - Enclave Scientist Outfits can now correctly be repaired with cloth and boxes of detergent.
  • Version 2.5

    • - Any weapons in the repair lists for Knife, Machete, Cleaver, Straight Razor, Switchblade, Throwing Spear, or Hatchet are considered bladed weapons and will be repairable with Whet Stones.
      - Reduced weight of Grenade Launcher Parts, Missile Launcher Parts, Heavy Weapon Parts, and Energy Heavy Weapon Parts.
      - Light, Medium, and Heavy armor part recipes hidden when not needed to reduce list clutter.
      - Light Armor Parts value from 60 to 40.
      - Medium Armor Parts now crafted at workbenches using 1 Pot/Pan/Tin Plate/Pressure Cooker, 25 Flamer Fuel, and 2 Cloth. Value from 100 to 60. Crafting requirement from 60 Repair to 45 Repair.
      - Heavy Armor Parts can no longer be used to repair Power Armor. Now crafted using 50 Flamer fuel, 1 Pot/Pan/Tin Plate/Pressure Cooker, and 1 Scrap Metal. Crafting requirement from 80 to 60. No longer requires Wrench. Value from 150 to 100.
      - Added Power Armor Parts. Require 75 Flamer Fuel, 1 Pot/Pan/Tin Plate/Pressure Cooker, 2 Scrap Metal, and 2 Scrap Electronics with a Repair of 80 to craft at a workbench. Requires a wrench, hammer, and welding gun.
  • Version 2.4

    • - All weapons and armor are now automatically detected and are repairable with parts.
      - Mod Configuration Menu is now optional.
      - Fixed long MCM option names being cut off for users without Darnified UI.
      - 'Replacement' part prefix changed to 'Scrap' to reduce the length of names in interfaces.
      - 'Sorted Parts Names' option will now reset to its default value when clicking the "default" button.
      - Welding Guns are no longer world objects, they are instead items that can be purchased from vendors and are used in certain recipes.
      - Breakdown recipe requirements rebalanced.
      - Added breakdown recipes for the following items: Iron, Pressure Cooker
      - Part requirements, weight and value have been rebalanced.
      - Guns parts now require fewer scrap metal, but have secondary and tertiary ingredients such as Duct Tape and Wonderglue.
      - Explosive Weapon parts now require fewer scrap metal, but use a Welding Gun and flamer fuel to craft.
      - Energy Weapon parts now require fewer ingredients.
      - Armors are now repaired with Light Armor Parts, Medium Armor Parts, and Heavy Armor parts.
      - Cloth Patch renamed to "Cloth" and now requires Scissors to craft. Tribal clothing from Zion can now be used to craft it as well.
      - 'Repair Requires Tools' and 'Multi-Use Repair Kits' combined into a single 'Weapon Repair Kits' option, which has three modes: Vanilla, Multi-Use, and Tool Mode.
      - 'Less effective repair' option removed.
      - Removed Alternative Repairing.ini.
      - Removed vehicle scavenging.
      - Removed Breakdown Icons optional file.
      - Removed Additional Campfires optional file.
      - Removed NVInteriors patch as it's no longer needed.


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