Это финальная глава в серии квестов от Someguy "Справедливость Нью-Вегаса". Курьеру вновь предстоит поработать вместе с Рэндаллом, на этот раз - в заснеженных горах Дип-Крик. Рэндалл наконец-то вышел на след своего заклятого врага - Марко, и Курьеру предстоит помочь ему отомстить.
Очень много ненормативной лексики.
Нет, серьезно, ОЧЕНЬ много. Некоторые персонажи матерятся буквально через слово. Рассел по сравнению с ними - жеманная барышня.
- Более 2000 диалоговых строк
- Два новых комплекта брони
- Новое мировое пространство - горы Дип-Крик
- Основное задание продолжительностью более трех часов
- Различные случайные встречи в стиле FO3
- Вступительное и завершающее слайдшоу
- The Community: The players and fellow modders at the Nexus sites have been a continuous source of encouragement and support through the months of development.
- You: Yes, you, the player who downloads and evaluates this mod. I depend on you to excoriate any failings and praise the successes.
- Level Design: BlooperReel
The voice actors and actress, who took their time to voice characters, sometimes prompted to voice, re-voice, and then voice again under the direction of my arbitrary, directorial impulses. This mod would be a shadow of its current self without the voice actors and actress, so thank you all.
Dramatis Personae:
Alfred Schwartz: Blaze Lee Dragon
Al Swearer: Ardailec (Chase Johnson)
Angel Lee: Onowrouzi
Big Tim: BlazeLeeDragon
Bill Blasius: PitchPerfect
Bobby Harrison: Immodium
Bobby Jammer: Someguy2000
BrianJeffers: Someguy2000
Brimley: Someguy2000
Brookshire: The_Yellow_Dart
Captor 1: FabianBogart
Captor 2: MostPerturbatory
Captor 3: Immodium
Cunty McLean: Albert Breach
Cutty: Someguy2000
Dana Quigley: Rachel N. from MVA Studios(Juicekid313)
Doctor Musgrove: Onowrouzi
Drusus: Ardailec (Chase Johnson)
Ford: PitchPerfect
Glanton: Vulon
Godwin: Someguy2000
Gunfighter: Wolf999
Jackson: PitchPerfect
Joe Frost: Pepsi7
Ketchum's Outlaw Spokesman: Someguy2000
King Karl: PitchPerfect
Lawson: Hepatat
Lori: RangerBoo
Marko: GreyCoyote [Eric Saldanha: https://soundcloud.com/e-m-saldanha (https://soundcloud.com/e-m-saldanha)]
Oliver Doolin: Someguy2000
Porter: Someguy2000
Stone Fist: ColeCosby aka Cole Johnson(https://soundcloud.com/voice-acting-cole-johnson)
Stoudenmire: Ardailec (Chase Johnson)
Thorne: ColeCosby aka Cole Johnson (https://soundcloud.com/voice-acting-cole-johnson)
Troy: Someguy2000
Vasquez: PitchPerfect
Vermillion: PitchPerfect
- mduda
- TheCourier13
- Stormbringer13
- Thenryb
- WhiskeyRiver2
- Narmz
- Drifter's Outfit and Hats: Dragbody
- Marko's Outfit and Hat: Dragbody
- Fur crafted by Geonox
- Cubemap textures: Weijiesen
- Old Scratch:
- Provided by Dragbody
- Rigging: Hopper31
- Models & Textures: CrackRockSteady
Design, writing, etc.: Someguy
General wisdom and plot feedback: Quetzlsacatanango
Pregnant outfit: Quetzlsacatanango
Dog eye fix: Nivea
Classic Fallout Architecture: TrickyVein
Assistance with comments, Godlike patience, and sage counsel: Thenryb
Do not copy or redistribute this mod without my explicit permission.
I am known to give out kudos to those who are the first to correctly identify historic, literary, and/or popular fictional references.
I sing a song of passion and praise for my faithful, loving, intrepid, angelic and punctual wife, who still supports my modding. Te amo!
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