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"Личный винтокрыл" / Vertibird Player Home 4.10

   (9 отзывов)

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Мод добавляет небольшой квест, который позволяет игроку заполучить личный многофункциональный винтокрыл, включая ряд полезных его особенностей.



- Полная озвучка известным многим голосом.

- 7 альтернативных скинов для винтокрыла.

- Возможность путешествия к ключевым локациям Мохаве.

- Возможность вызова винтокрыла.

- Возможность вызова авиаудара.

- Возможность пилотировать винтокрыл лично.

- И многое другое.


Квест может быть запущен в восточной части Аэропорта Серчлайт. Там вы найдете винтокрыл и его пилота.
- Fallout NV
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ВНИМАНИЕ - начиная с версии 4.00 плагин преобразован в esm, для обновления с предыдущих версий потребуется перезапустить мод с нуля!
*На странице оригинала есть несколько альтернативных скинов для винтокрыла.
Hopper31 - за любезное разрешение на перевод и отзывчивость в целом.

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Что нового в версии 3.15   Просмотр изменений


Множество изменений, относительно прошлой версии (2.40):

  • Version 3.15

    • Actively following companions now board the Vertibird while piloting it.
    • The Boomers no longer attempt to shell the Vertibird.
    • If the Vertibird is summoned, then unloaded, it will instantly land upon loading again instead of playing the rest of the landing animation.
    • Markers from JAM should now appear while piloting if I've set it up correctly.
    • Fixes a typo with the 12.7mm Minigun.
  • Version 3.10

    • The Vertibird can no longer be poisoned while being piloted.
    • Player Health is no longer restored while piloting the Vertibird.
    • Player Radiation is no longer cleared while piloting the Vertibird, be careful of flying into radioactive zones.
    • All Vertibird weapons have had their attack sounds tweaked.
    • All Vertibird weapons are more accurate.
    • New method of attaching the player to the Vertibird, should allow for smoother flying.
    • In-flight auto-repair has been reduced to 1 HP/sec.
    • Removed debug message that was left in by accident.
    • You can now sit on the cot in the Vertibird.
  • Version 3.06

    • Adjusted dialogue priority, should no longer conflict with the Frontier.
  • Version 3.05

    • Fixes a minor error where the Vertibird's "current location" was occasionally not cleared properly whenever it was summoned.
    • Radiation damage is now correctly restored to the player whenever they exit the Vertibird.
    • The cot in the Vertibird now correctly applies the well rested bonus.
  • Version 3.02

    • Fixes a script error pertaining to experience being rewarded from Vertibird kills.
  • Version 3.01

    • Killing targets with air strikes now properly award experience to the player and attribute the attacks to them.
    • Applied the "edge of the render distance" fix to more unaccounted for instances.
  • Version 3.00

    • The Vertibird next to Jenkins can no longer be blown up.
    • Jenkins will now correctly reveal his backstory only once For Auld Lang Syne has been completed.
    • JNKS has a new model and texture, has been completely revoiced, and now offers a repair service once the Vertibird is fixed.
    • The Vertibird Marker now has a delay when issuing commands to prevent multiple stacked commands laying in wait.
    • Added a map marker to the Vertibird while it is landed.
    • Moved the "mark location as base" option to the Vertibird itself.
    • The Vertibird interior has been overhauled, now comes with a crafting/reloading bench, a cooking hotplate and a radio so you can play music.
    • The interior now points to the correct environment map mask.
    • The map in the back now updates to show what world space you are currently in.
    • Unloading the Vertibird as it is flying away will now properly mark it as in the air.
    • Being at the edge of the render distance will no longer lock the Vertibird in place while on the ground if you attempt to summon it.
    • Fixed a few mispathed textures on the Vertibird models.
    • Skins with glow maps now work properly.
    • While riding the Vertibird in flight, the interior will rumble.
    • Opening the sleep/wait menu will no longer instantly skip flights.
    • Numerous new locations have been added to the Vertibird's flight terminal.
    • Reloading a save while piloting the Vertibird no longer screws up the camera.
    • Flying has been reworked, should be a bit less jittery while airborne now.
    • Controller support has been added.
    • The Vertibird's max health has been lowered down to 750.
    • You can now play Ride of the Valkyries while in the air.
    • The Vertibird now remembers what weapons you had equipped the last time you flew it.
    • The Vertibird can now use all ammo types for its weapons.
    • There is now a HUD while piloting.
    • The Vertibird's weapons have been tweaked, all are more accurate and deal more damage.
    • The .50 Cal MG has been replaced with a 12.7mm Minigun.
    • The 25mm Grenade Launcher has been replaced with a 25mm Autocannon, functionally similar, but there is no arc on the projectile, and it flies faster.
    • The 40mm Grenade Launcher has been removed.
    • The Missile Launcher's missiles now fly faster.
    • Jenkin's dialogue quest is now enabled by default, which should fix the no dialogue bug some people have been reporting.
    • JNKS will reset his hostility should his combat inhibitor be crippled, and will "wake up" from being shut down after a few seconds.


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Великолепно, как раз ностальгировал по Хайвеймену и мечтал о собственном транспорте в Мохаве. И вот он, намного лучше старенькой машины, на которой даже поездить было бы негде, ведь игра на это не рассчитана, зато полетать можно всласть, над карьером там пострелять... В общем штука полезная(ведь люкс мы получим не скоро, да и когда получим добираться до него, чтобы скинуть барахло, будет лень, а тут вызвал, скидал и отправил на базу), а главное органичная.

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